Located in the centre of Manchester’s shopping area near the Town hall the historic Royal Exchange building is home to much more than a Theatre.
Early in 2016 the decision was made to refurbish the building. Part of the programme of works included pressurising the existing primary and secondary distribution pipework encompassing the theatre and office areas within the building.
Lancashire based building services company Walsh IBS, installed a number of Mikrofill pressurisation packages. Each package consisted of the new Mikrofill 3 filling and backflow prevention device, suitable floor standing expansion vessels, service drain valves and a factory pre commissioning. The Mikrofill 3 unit connects directly to the boosted water supply and fills/tops up the LPHW circuits from empty, provides backflow protection to fluid risk category 4 and pressure manages the systems.
In addition the Mikrofill 3 unit only consumes 30watts/hr when filling and 10watts/hr on standby, showing a saving of upto 97% compared to the electrical consumption of a traditional pump type unit.