With a history dating back to 1946, Worcester University has established a reputation for world class teaching and practical, purposeful research. The St John’s Campus is the main base for most of its courses and contains a sports centre with pitches, a digital arts and performance centre aswell as a hall of residence with over 800 rooms.
Forming part of the St John’s Campus is the Edward Elgar building. During the summer of 2015 Mikrofill supplied numerous plant items as part of a scheme designed by Ridge & Partners and installed by Envirotech Building Services Ltd. The HWS demand was satisfied by 3No Extreme 500L loading cylinders c/w unvented kits. Each stainless steel cylinder is capable of producing in excess of 2500 litres in the first hour and 2070 litres thereafter. The principal of the loading cylinder ensures 100% of the cylinder capacity achieves 60°C aswell as optimising condensing boiler efficiency.
In addition 4No Mikrofill pressurisation packages were installed onto various LTHW circuits. Each package included a wall mounted Mikrofill filling and backflow prevention device, expansion vessels, service drain valves and a pre commissioning.